English – Our intent, aims and concepts

At St.Gabriel's our English curriculum promotes high standards of language and literacy by placing a strong emphasis on reading, writing and oracy. Our intent is to inspire children to be curious, adventurous and independent learners. From the earliest point, all children are immersed in high quality literature and have daily opportunities to engage confidently in peer to peer discussion alongside adult-led talk. Children develop their love and passion for reading and writing as they journey through the school. Due to our high expectations in English, pupils' development across the curriculum is enhanced both cognitively and socially.
We intend that the study of English will enable our children to:
• Read easily, fluently and with good understanding
• Develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
• Acquire a wide vocabulary
• Develop an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language
• Write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences
• Use discussion in order to learn; they should be able to elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas
• Become competent in the arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate
(DfE, National Curriculum, 2014)

All children at St.Gabriel's start their journey with daily Read Write Inc phonics until they can demonstrate that they can confidently and accurately blend with little support. After passing the phonics screening test in Year 1, all children by the end of Year 2 are expected to be reading between 90-100 words per minute and comprehending at an age appropriate level. As the children progress up through the school reading and vocabulary is at the heart of the curriculum. At all levels, reading lessons focus on vocabulary development, comprehension, fluency and promoting lifelong engaged readers. By the end of Year 6 there is an expectation that all children are reading 120 words per minute and can comprehend and infer to a high level. All classes enjoy sharing a class reader daily and invest a significant amount of time each term ensuring that all children read and can talk confidently about their ‘fab five’ texts.
Every year, teachers select texts that will engage and produce high quality writing in all year groups. New release texts are combined with classic texts in order to ensure the reading curriculum is enticing, relevant and current to the children. Exciting days throughout the year, such as World Book Day, enhance the reading curriculum at Stockland and provide all children with memorable and meaningful learning experiences.
Writing is closely linked with the reading curriculum at Stockland where children have the opportunity to engage with modelled writing, shared writing and independent writing. In all year groups, teachers plan rich and varied writing experiences that relate to the learning enquiry being explored at the time. All teachers begin a writing sequence with exciting immersion opportunities. Teachers ensure that all children are clear about the purpose and intended audience for their extended written outcome. Throughout a writing experience the children will participate in drama, role play, planning, grammar and spelling practice and shorter writing opportunities.The children are taught from Year 1 upwards that editing plays an integral part of the writing process and are taught the skill of editing explicitly throughout KS1 and KS2.
At St.Gabriel's we believe that being able to express yourself confidently and accurately is a key skill both as a pupil in school but also in terms of developing lifelong skills as an adult. Strong oracy skills enables access to the wider curriculum at a deep level. In school, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them.
One of our gateways is 'Expression' and we encourage all children to present themselves with honesty, confidence and insightfulness. Teachers carefully consider the ways in which pupils can present their learning through speaking and listening activities. Our pupils regularly have opportunities to develop their oracy skills in school. We ensure that all children increasingly present themselves and their learning to wider audiences within school and outside of school.
ENGLISH – Examples of English Learning Experiences

ENGLISH – Examples of English Learning Journals