(SEND) Special Educational Needs and Disability

Sylvie Evens SENDCo
01392 255555
Maddie Hughes Assistant SENDCo 01392 255555
All of our classes contain children of all abilities. Each class teacher has special regard to children who, for intellectual, physical, emotional or social reasons, may have additional needs. If the class teacher sees the need for additional action, he or she will contact you to discuss their concern so that you can work together in partnership. The School has a comprehensive SEN policy, which is available on request, but in essence, we try to identify children with special needs as soon as possible and it is our aim to share our concerns with parents at the outset. We endeavour to keep parents informed of the strategies we are using and hope to enlist their understanding and cooperation.
When a child is identified as having special needs over and above our well-differentiated learning activities, our Inclusion Support team establish appropriate support. This support is delivered through the class teacher’s daily practice and structured interventions. Our Inclusion Support Team and our Educational Psychologist work with staff offering support, guidance and monitoring learners’ progress. If it is felt that your child would benefit from help of other professionals outside the school, eg, Speech and Language Support, Communication and interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, emotional and mental health, physical and sensory or any other appropriate service we will discuss this with you and arrange appropriate support for your child.
Throughout this process, the School’s SEN policy and the government’s Special Educational Needs and disability code 0-25 years, are adhered to. Regular review meetings are held which involve external agencies as appropriate.
To further promote the local offer, the Children’s’ and Families Bill (clause 65) also compels schools to include on their own websites, information on where the local authority’s local offer is published. This can be a direct link to the local offer website. The initial local offer website is available now via the main DCC website. The information there has been developed in response to the statutory requirements for the local offer (C&F Bill, Clause 30) although this is only the start! A lot of work has been done with young people and parents to get the local offer website up and running and it will continue to evolve and become more comprehensive over time.